How to create your a Sound Effect using Addressables

This continues from where we left off with How to create your first Sound Effect with variations. Make sure you've done those steps first.

This Quick Start is optional because you don't have to use Addressables, but it's recommended to learn.

Addressables are one of the Audio Origins Master Audio supports, and lets you use audio that may be located externally and typically use less memory as they are unloaded when not playing. Read more about them on the Audio Origins page.

  1. First, we're going to need to install and enable the Addressables package and filter. Open the Package Manager from Window -> Package Manager. Then wait a few seconds for all packages to load. Find the "Addressables" package and install it.
  3. Next, we need to enable the Addressables feature in Master Audio so the options will be visible for you. Open the Welcome Window from Windows -> Master Audio -> Welcome Window. Check the box for "Addressables" and your project will automatically recompile. Wait for it to finish, then close the Welcome Window.
  5. Next, let's make one of your audio clips an Addressable so that we can use it. Click on an audio clip in Project View and view the import settings in the Inspector. Check the box at the bottom that says "Addressable" and voila! It's now an Addressable. Wait a few seconds for Unity to set up your Addressable settings.
  7. Locate and select the Master Audio game object in the Scene. Go down to the Group Mixer section.
  9. Change the "Variation Create Mode" field to "Addressable" so that audio files you drag will create Sound Groups with Variations having the Audio Origin of "Addressable". Then go ahead and drag the audio clip that you made an Addressable 2 steps ago into the "Drag Audio clips" yellow box to create the new Sound Group.
  10. Click the gear icon in the mixer for the Sound Group you just created to navigate to the Sound Group game object so you can confirm that the Audio Origin is Addressable and the Addressable field is populated.
  12. Now your Sound Group is using Addressables! You can use this mode for audio that may later be hosted on the internet in a bundle or other possiblities.
Continue with the next Quick Start, How to play an ambient sound effect!